In the 3-2 east-west zone defense, all players are designated a specific area, with specific responsibilities;
Depending on whether the ball is on the offensive strong-side (3 players) or weak-side (2 players), defenders will defend high, middle or low areas of the zone on their side of the floor. Players must communicate where/who is help, and calling out one's position along the strong-side 'wall' (High, middle or low)
Whenever the ball is in a defender’s area, that defender should apply aggressive pressure.
High defenders on the ball, should attempt to push offensive players down low/towards the boards and take away top-side (pushing to where help is). Conversely, low defenders on the ball should push offensive players high/towards the boards. All on-ball defenders (3 or 2), should be ready to 'help' where possible.
Off-ball defenders (3 or 2), should be in line with the off-ball goal post defending against backdoor passes. The defender must mid-point (between ball and offensive player) with their head on a swivel. Off-ball low defenders need to lock off the offensive crease player at all times.
Off-ball and on-ball cutters must be followed and 'passed off' once they exit out of the player's designated zone area (must communicate amongst each other).
When a player gets beat cleanly on the weak-side, the middle defender on the strong-side is always the 'hot defender' to provide support.
When a player gets beat cleanly on the strong-side, the high defender on the weak-side becomes the “hot” defender when the ball is on the strong-side.