Strong Side (Rights) and Weakside (Lefts)
X1 passes to X2. X1 immediately drives down hard through the middle.
There may be an option for a Give & Go but most likely it won't be there.
X1 fills the crease position.
X2 passes to X3. X2 then drives their defender into the middle. X3 can look for a Give & Go with X2 if that lane is open.
If not, X2 returns to pick for X3. At the same time, X5 Up-Picks for X4.
X3's first look is to pass to X4 coming off the Up-Pick.
If that option is not there, X3 can come over the Pick set by X2 with an option to shoot or to pass to X2 off the roll.
If X3 doesn't see any options, they can swing the ball over to X5 who has popped out after their pick.
X1 fills into the Shooter Position.
Once X3, swings the ball to the weakside and X3 cuts hard through the middle.
X5 has the option to Shoot off the Swing or as another option for a Give & Go with X3.
If those options are not there, X5 passes down to X4 and drives their defender into the middle and may have a Give & Go option.
If not, X5 returns to Up-pick for X4. At the same time, X2 is Up-Picking for X1.
X4's next read is to look for X1 cutting over top of the Up-Pick.
If that option is not there, X4 can come over the Pick set by X5 with an option to Shoot or to pass to X5 off the roll.
If not option exits, swing the ball to X2 and begin Seq#1 again.