5-On-4 Box Play #1A (“Point Drag”) & Play #1B (“Point Drag – Fake”)
1A. Point - "Drag"
- The point player passes "around the horn," receives a pass back, then carries ("drags") the ball toward the strong-side shooter position.
- Just before the point player arrives at the shooter position, the shooter that is already there should seal their check down and in toward the middle.
- The point player continues dragging behind the seal for a seam shot (Option #1), or at any time skip passes to the far-side crease player who moves up to the soft spot (Option #2).
- If the first seal attempt is ineffective, another option is for this player to re-seal from inside-out and the point player can step overtop for a shot or skip pass to the crease player.
1B. Point - "Fake Drag"
- The point player passes around the horn, receives a pass back, then slowly carries ("drags") the ball toward the same-handed shooter position.
- As the point player starts "dragging" the same-handed shooter fakes to set an on-ball seal and instead sets a cross pick for the opposite-side shooter (another variation is to "slip" to the middle).
- The point player passes to the weak-side shooter a split-second before they come around the pick (or to the slip option in the middle).
- After receiving the pass, the ball carrier can shoot around the seal or sometimes is able to step into the middle for an inside shot (Option #1), otherwise skip pass the ball to the far-side crease player (Option #2), or pass back to the point player who fills into the shooter position (Option #3) and is sometimes open if the off-ball help defender overcommits.
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